Malawi Water Supply Project
Our members are working with the Nankumba CBO community to provide access to clean water through new borehole wells and mechanical handpumps.
Our members are working with the Nankumba CBO community to provide access to clean water through new borehole wells and mechanical handpumps.
Our members are working with the Enoc Ortez community to assess and design latrines to improve health and sanitation.
Anyone can volunteer to participate in our project work, fundraising efforts, and outreach events.
Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a non-profit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects. EWB-USA members, comprised of professional and student engineers or other disciplines, work with local communities and NGOs in over 45 developing countries around the world on projects such as water, renewable energy, sanitation and more. EWB-USA has grown from little more than a handful of members in 2002 to over 12,000 members today and has over 350 projects worldwide. EWB-USA maintains over 250 dedicated student and professional chapters and has touched the lives of more than one million people. For more information about EWB-USA please visit
Our VISION is a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs, and that our members have enriched global perspectives through the innovative professional educational opportunities that the EWB-USA program provides.
Our MISSION — EWB-USA supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders.
The Sacramento Chapter was established in January of 2005 and has grown to over 33 members and 230 friends. Our mission is to establish a community in Sacramento that looks to further the ideals of Engineers Without Borders. We have successfully completed projects in Kenya, South Africa, Gambia and Belize. For more details about our past and current projects, please visit the Our Project page in the Top Menu.
We welcome anyone who works or live in the Greater Sacramento Region to join us in working on projects that will further our mission of providing sustainable engineering solutions to communities in need world wide. Find out more about our volunteering opportunities and how to support our projects. You can also meet our members and learn about our projects at the Monthly General Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Locations and agenda are announced in our monthly e-blast. Please feel free send us a message through the Contact Us Page.